Tuesday 14 January 2020

Christmas photoshoot

My 30th birthday πŸŽπŸŽ‰

Feeling rather old now I've turned 30. I had a good day to be honest, Jayne bought me pj's, Darren bought me a big box of chocolates and Nan gave me £15 in a card. Mam and dad will be sorting something at the end of the month.
We went to W2 for tea thankfully the staff didn't turn up with a cake singing happy birthday πŸ˜‚

New year 2020πŸŽ‰

We let the kids stay up to let in the new year, Trixie walked it in for us as its tradition the youngest member of the household let's in the new year.
Trixie loves to do cheers with her drinks and learnt happy new year but only says happy! 😊
I didn't get any photos from new year, but Darren took a photo of our massive plate of snacks.

Link above to a YouTube video of Trixie wishing everyone a happy new year. 

Christmas 2019πŸŽ„πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸŽ

Darren came to visit from the 19th and stayed until the 10th Jan. The kids loved having him home and Trixie really came out of her shell around him. We watched far too many movies to list and we finished some of our shows aswell. 
Christmas was amazing, Trixie said aw wow after opening every present and Lili was buzzing with everything she got. Dinner was as always delicious, although I forgot the roasties and sprouts. Everyone stuffed themselves silly and left overs were turned into pies which lasted us another 3 days as snacks.