Tuesday, 12 July 2016


I haven't been on at all since my last post, so heres a little update.

Me, Sarah, Jodie, Nana, Mam and Shell took all the kids to flamingo land, it was an awesome day lots of rides, animals and laughter. The kids didn't want to come home. Lili was really good she didn't throw up in the mini bus on the way there or back and was so proud of herself because travel sickness is a pain to her.

Filming with Mr Bloom was awesome, the kids were really well behaved, said their lines nicely and had lots of fun, on the 16th August when we all went to Liverpool for the second day of filming, the veggies the kids had donated to the show was cooked and prepared a long side the donations of the other groups from Liverpool and York and somewhere else I didn't catch, the kids made new friends, had a feast, made music and lots of fun, we even stole ourselves a momento of the day, a little green veggie which may or may not be a pickle. And yes Lili chucked up both ways on the coach between Darlington and Middlesbrough.

September Lili started reception class, I cried my baby wasn't a baby and was growing up too fast, and I'm allowed to she's only small once and some firsts are a one time deal. So far we've had 1 incident of bullying which we quickly shut down even if I did have to threaten a mother who was adament her little boy wouldn't dare do that!.

We all went to fright night at light water valley on Halloween day, the kids all dressed up, Lili wanted to be a zombie kid so I made her outfit from old clothes and lots of fake blood she loved it, Sonnie ended up in Lilis werewolf outfit from the year before he was really impressed with the mask. Another day full of rides, barely any animals if your counting the farm animals but lots of laughter and photos, and we ended the day with tears by taking our small people into the scary house, lots of flashing lights and people jumping out on us and screaming it was awesome but the kids hated it. Then fireworks right before the park closed.

Christmas was a brilliant day, lots of prezzies, over flowing plates of dinner and lots of fun, after I dropped Lili in with my mam and dad I spent the night drinking, woke up hungover and spent boxing day drunk too the hangover the day after was brutal!!

Lili has come so far in school, not only is she able to write her full name from memory but she's able to write, read and say the alphabet, write and count to 50 count down from 20 and is learning more then and less than amounts. She knows 50 or more action words which she's incorporatong into sentences. Her speech isn't 100% but shes getting there
And get this after having 12 teeth out she's finally got a new tooth coming through and her 2 bottom front teeth are wobbling ready to fall out, she is sooo excited about that.
I can't believe the kids are breaking up from school for the summer in 7 days, the year has gone so fast. I got Lilis school report too, her teacher is pleased with her progress and has loved having her in class but a little disappointed with her attendance since she's had 8 sick days plus 2 afternoons off for hospital appointments.

Quick update on Sonnie, He is now more or less done until he's stopped growing and has his lip realigned, I think his parents are leaving the bone graft for his gum until he's old enough to choose for himself but being honest, its so shallow its actually unnoticeable and other than having no tooth there which also is unnoticeable, I'd leave it.