Monday, 25 February 2013

second palate repair

28th january 2013 - sonnies 4 months old and has had his little lip repaired 9am he went to theatre got back at 11.30 poor thing ive never heard him seriously cry until then 4 weeks on hes healed lovely and theres barely anything to notice tiniest pink line ever

lilis 2 and a half and had a second hard palate repair supposed to go to theatre between 11 and 12 didnt get there until after 2 nurse came round about 5.30 for me to collect her walked into recovery to hear lili demanding a drink of juice they tried to give her a cup of water which she threw across the floor got back to our room gave her a cup of juice huge noisy gulps and after a 20 minute sleep a huge bowl of spagetti hoops and a cup of juice she was back to her naughty self unfortunately 5 days later lilis mouth bled and bled which said her palate had started coming away 2 nights in hospital to see the surgeon just to be sent home 4 weeks on lili is finally back to herself finally out of pain eating semi normally soft diet sort of gone to bits and the fact she says im hungry feed me every 10 minutes means her appetite is better now than its ever been lili has 3 holes that i can see which means more surgery but hopefully the surgeon can use whats there without compromising the rest of her mouth or using skin grafts or artifical skin ideally but ill go with whats best for lili i hope next time goes better with no complications