Tuesday, 11 September 2012


arent they gorgeous my little girly with her new baby cousin sonnie


my new little nephew sonnie was born this morning hes the most adorable little thing ever
12th september 4.56am 5lb 12oz

right sided cleft lip with notch in gum thankfully palates intact

Thursday, 3 May 2012


lili had her first proper speech and language lesson today she done so well i expected her to be shy but she was so open and sociable even sitting on the ladys knee to play games and read books and have a talk  instead of leaving the next lesson until her third birthday the ladys bought it forward to august this year

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


lili had her operation 5th march ... how annoying can nurses be? i get lili to sleep and they come in and wake her every single time as if its not bad enough that shes in pain with her lip so shes sleeping badly and they come in and wake her but that operation went well although the surgeon was supposed to do the palate whilest she was in there nurses told us that shes become anaemic and has a heart murmer ... the nights are terrible lili wont sleep combination of pain and strange surroundings in the end the nurses changed the cot for a bed i was so glad to bring her home on the wednesday just to get back to our routine and surroundings